This is a tattoo of my name - tattooed on him
i came across a post today..
Love you more than WORDS ?
and move on to tattoo-ing.. just make me think of my olden times.
though it happen yrs back that someone had tattoo-ed my name on his body but till now i still think it's not that appropriate to do so.. i appreciates alot though *it's a memory to me*.
but i find that tattoo ing do not gradually make a person stays by your side together forever,
you still need to work things out together and need both hands to clap.
I've came across a few cases :
One sided tattoo
tattoo of his gf name on him
- no matter how much the girl loves him and he love her, ended in the end.
One sided tattoo
tattoo of his bf name on her
- they had a cute son and they been through alot but did not end up together.
Lover Tattoo
Both party tattooed each other name *this couple tattoo is really nice*
- their r.s ended still even they has a daughter.
now this newly attached couple were together for less than 6mths and they tattoo each other names..
i truely hope they gonna last till the end if not will be another one up on the list. *they are pretty young still...* and they have a long way to go.. you never know what's gonna happen a year later or so.
Maybe after your marriage or something but even marriage couples will have divorce cases too.
*you better think twice, you better think trice*
So best if you wanna tattoo name.. TATTOO your own name!!
at least next time when you regret you won't feel so bad.
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