Wednesday, April 7, 2010

I don't wanna believe the horo also cannot. LOL!!

Apr. 7, 2010 (it's kinda true)

You may find that your love life feels a little like walking through sticky toffee. The position of the heavenly bodies means that you are not sure what to make of the signals you are receiving from your sweetheart. They could be interpreted either way, which is making you very insecure. Perhaps it would be better if you stopped trying, and for the time being concentrate on having fun.

Apr. 8, 2010 ( it is... !!! )

Love is not smooth like milk chocolate; it is full of angles and electricity. Today's position of the planets brings excitement into your relationship with your beloved. You will find that you want to do things differently, to enjoy the differences between you, to celebrate them even, and to marvel at how wonderful it is that amidst all these contrasts and conflicts, you love each other so much.

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