Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Lunch Party


I had a Christmas Lunch Party this afternoon @ my aunt's place.

it's a season of sharing~ See how beautiful is that?

i always wanted to celebrate christmas
but i never get the chance to and finally this year :) i get to do it.

Moment like this is so differen from other gathering. Other than warm and closeness, you'll feel calm, smothing and peacefulness in such gathering.

what else could you ask god for a season like this? i feel contented.

Other than it's atmosphere, strength and power, X'mas food is marvellous too! Ham turkey, beef, pastries and all look so cute and lovely.

Dream House of Pastries like in fairytales..

Can't all this storytales be in reality-live in the pastries cottage
Alright back in reality, we do have very delicious human food!

My auntie cater the buffet from American Club and she asked emelda to also bake some delicious baked potatoes. YUMMY!!! i love that day's potatoes.

Their beef is super delicious too! with or without the gravy.

some close up pic of the cakes:

My favourite chocolate cheese cake* 10/10
i love american club cakes, remember my aunt bought a damn nice chocolate cake for me before.

The log cake wasn't that nice compare to the cheesecake.

This apple pie is good too! *thumbs up*

my fav interiored sector

this area is one of my fav corner

i find it damn cool and relax to dine here. haha!

you can read and dine at the same time how nice and dreamy.. Mmmm~

Alternatively we can dine at the dinning table

and backyard..

Yey, we have poppers somemore!

Pictures of me - damn tired man..

only had 2hrs of sleep, hanging on still..


i was damn tired, and i can't take it any more.. so i took a nappy

when i wake up my bro's here, i joined them @ the table to have little conver and damn funny! they keep disturbing my bro saying he went for spraying last night and everything just link to spraying. LOL! and they'll check back with him

Late Evening i left with gwen to her place for stayover! i miss miki too..

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