Thursday, December 25, 2008

Rebel Christmas & N`Circus Seafood

Merry Christams to all of you!
today's a day towards sharing of love and joy before we end the year.

i love christmas as i find it is the most beautiful season!

After all my christmas eve party and countdown, i went to meet my gfs at rebel to continue my X'mas party. Wee~

haha! what is this picture about?

It's our first time going back there after they've re-open. To be frank i find that there's not much difference between prev MOS.

The music wasn't very good though. The only one big difference i realise is that we can't use the toilet to transpass to other rooms now =(

It was pretty boring that night so we decided to leave earlier.. we leave at about 3plus. Went to have a drink @ liang court, had my fav MilkTea then took a stroll along mohd sultan. (it's breezy relaxing and cooling)

We feel like we have not had enough entertainment and so.. we head to Newton Circus to have some SEAFOOD~ yohoo!

We order quite a no. of dishes (just the 2 of us) 2 girls only.. and our order is:
Stingray, gong gong, one more i can't remeber and lastly we ordered cereal prawn too. Both of us have the sudden craving for cereal prawn.

haha! The uncle who take our orders was very happy because we ordered so much from him and he also give us a freaked out face - how the hell can 2girls eat so much! Lol..

But that stall GONG GONG is good man! abit overcook but texture perfect! =D the stingray is tasty too. But the prawn abit too small.. haha! I would love to go back to that stall next time except for their prawns.

Wow it's going 7already, after this i have to hurry home to try and catch some sleep. I have a Christmas Lunch Party at my aunt's place. - meeting my coussie at her place then go down together.

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