Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Eve & PJM Countdown!!

There were a lunch buffet and this bunch of peeps won the game and got themself some really funny and cute prizes but it’s very useful though. Lol.

i love the pic below..

kk din't know you drink water so sexy one.

Poor dennis got bullied for strippy show. He must have done smth to them or said smth to agitate them again. haha!


A table full of Prezzie!!! Wee.. Gift exchange time! haha.. i got the one on the left corner at the back, the very colourful wrapper just beside the sock. The stuff inside is good too - it's from Linda Chua. Thankie!

A group photo. c and aras. my close-ty

Then we head straight down for some fun bowl down @ Civil Service Club.

After the Fun bowling @ Civil Service Club, I head straight to Royal Queens for tonight PJM countdown Christmas Party. Have you ever tried wearing a PJM in a hotel function room to dine? Haha. I’m going to have that tonight and wear that for countdown in the hotel dining place. Pretty cool yea because you’ll rarely get the chance to do that.

Unfortunatle, a lot of people say that my dress do not look like a PJM, they say it look more like a kimono. Am abit disappointed la but nvm, I bought that dress for other usage too because I’m meeting my gf at Rebel tonight so I can’t get myself too dress down. So it’s just right I guess.

Anyway, I bought it only y’day afternoon in a rush, washed it last night and know what happened?

Once I hang it out of the window after my shower, I went to my room, locked the door and took out my towel, that very second, I hear the strong breeze and rain blowing towards my window, Shyte! I think it’s going rain, NO it’s raining!!!

MY DRESS!!!!! I need it tomorrow..

So I hurried put mytowel back on and rush out to save my dress from getting ‘wet-ter’ Lol..! How unlucky can that be, it’s been so windy for wks and I can sleep without switching on my air-con and just when I hang my dress out for less than a min, it starts to rain heavily.

I got no other option except hanging it in the house and hope it will dry the very next morning. Lucky it manage to dry and thank god, if not it so gonna spoil my morning of Christmas eve.

Back on the countdown party.

They were serve with milk bottle rather than a cup after 10pm. And everyone have to change into their PJM.

This guy din't bring his PJM so they make him wear a lady cut PJM, wahahhaha!

and since he's wearing a womans' PJM he gotta make it look like one too.

On the process of transextuating - stuffing loads of napkins into his PJM.

This picture is damn sick!

2 guys were dress in Ladies PJM and the 2nd guy from your left, he's wearing a hello kitty PJM and the price tag is still on. hahaha!

My god, he's really sporting la! In the pic he's actually doing some lady modelling dance. Everyone were laughing their ass off.

this pic is damn funny too. She's arguing with the MC and she actually look very pretty but she looks so funny here.

Contestant for upcomeing PJM Model Show.
PJM Modeling - Sleepwear Fashion Show
After this model show, it's going 12 soon..!!





(there's double one cuz the news announce that the earth is 1sec slower this time).

Another dance night went on after the countdown, but it’s very different this time. We dance in our PJM so can you imagine dancing in the club in your PJM. It’s quite interesting at first but after some time it starts to get abit boring because all these PJM look so blend after a period of time,and has nothing stunning to keep you on.

When you dance in a club, once a while you’ll see nice outfit or good looking figures walk pass but PJM dance floor u see only PJM, orbit cloth or textile passing by and ¾ fully wrapped up. Haha! Sian, and nothing perks you on. So that’s the sad part about PJM party.

I think Night Dress party with eye mask would be so much better. And it will make you have this mystery feeling and curiosity of the person behind the mask etc. Interesting aye.

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