Saturday, January 31, 2009

Daily Horoscope

Do You Ever Believe in Horoscope?

Well to be frank, i check my horoscope today and found out that my y'day reading was damn accurate! LOL`..

My horo for Friday:

Your day begins like an unassembled piece of IKEA furniture. It feels overwhelming, disconnected, and you dread putting it together. But as the hours advance, the parts start to fit. By tonight, you'll be ready to put on your dancin' shoes and boogie the night away.


Summary on my friday's Journey~

I have so many places to go and i have to arrange all in within a night.

It's quite difficult to plan because all the event has it's unpridictable things happening but as the night fall, the schedules start to move into it's place. And i'm able to attend all event including boogie night out with my gfs. HAha!

At First my movie clashes with chingay but in the end it clashes with work schedule instead. Then clubbing plan wasn't cfm so i promise to go to lily's place for gathering, during the evening my gfs rang to resume clubbing as plan so in the end i'm flying to 3 places within a night. LOL!

So don't u think it's so TRUE ? I'm fixing my day like some ikea furniture. XD

Sarah last night out`

both of us wasn't ready..

forming a heart shape.. u see that?

CherVera and Molly's

GFS loves.. and Naughty Friendship!

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