Friday, May 29, 2009


I went lee lee's place to have steamboat then i meet

my friend here where they have really antique display item,

The place of its design and atmosphere.. it brings you
to another world.

And you can get to enjoy cakes and pastries in this museum too.

Other than the trishaw near the entrance

the next thing i saw is this.. Grandpa Bicycle

& a row of roadside stall on the right of the picture

THE Dowager Seat.. my POSTURE wow..

Daddy's Memorable Bubber Seat

When i look at this it feels abit eeriee *goosebumpy*

and there's alot more but we weren't allow to take too many pictures.

So thie were taken at the outdoor big big space..

walking out from the place

What a Nice place...

Below picture is just one of the section where you can dine in.

Tradition Layout

There's a few more in other themes and different atmosphere for you to choose from and even their outdoor dinning is like right beside the pier.

But i only manage to get this pic.

When i first walk towards the fountain, the water went right off.

Not another curse again?

A few night scenery view of the cafe

a very nice building taken opposite the pier.

a pretty long stretch of cafe.. and they have benches around
the open space.

quite a quiet place to go to..

if you don't like crowded places or people to disturb you.

Came acorss another place above along our stroll

Chilling and enjoying the night

Am i blocked by the tree?

Can see me ? LOL

in this pic i wasn't really being blocked but was partially covered by the light.

playing around with the tree and pond bg.

Nice building behind me in the bg.. haha!

Pictures take near the pond..

It feels pretty homezy at that time..

We took a cab down to orchard 24hrs TCC for it's
SALMON Cinnemon Burger!

but when we reach the place then we realise that's only for breakfast menu.. so no choice, i'm gonna missed it again.

Then decided to go for ROCHOR BEANCURD instead. Anyway it's been sometime i last went back to my hometown already..

We stroll from Tangling all the way down to Prinsep Street.

came across this @ Cathy

Wooh.. i miss my hometown playground.!!

i love swing and well..

though it's sweet but i would prefer those that can swing real high ;D

it's more fun!

CASTLE Brick Wall ... =p

haha... like at Disney World ticketing booth

It's a very very long walk and FINALLY we've reach our Destination.

i was craving for all 3 !! can't miss any so i had a combo, =D

YUMMY!!!! and cheap.. !

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