Monday, June 22, 2009

NICOLE Highwayyyyy

Kallang Leisure - Ice Skate Hall

nothing much to do in SG so am trying out ice skating..

Crazy and Fun on Ice the Keng-ing Face

taking my baby steps

why everybody can skate so well, except me?

See.. i'm trying my best !!

now i can fly like a bird~

We almost fall.. *henggg.. never* haha!

Can see nana calming herself down and i was a little shock in the pic.

Thy 2 Iceland Queen

Queen 1 cher (left) - COLD ATTITUDE

Queen 2 Nana (right) - Her Wicked COLD LAUGHTER

Boogey friend !!!

choo choo train

pls join the line behind cher~

haha! those pic were taken @ KLP of cos.. but before that..

Nana offerend to pick us up @ bugis, while we were walking to the waiting point to wait for her.. i asked her which car she's driving today as i'm on the phone with her.. the 7 seater or 10 seater one..? then cheryl next to me was like.. WHaaattt? where got car 10 seater one?

hahhaha... 10 seater was a joke to tease nana. Then when we're about to reach, cher asked what colour is her car so easier for us to spot when she arrive cuz Na can't remeber her carplate no. Pro. haha! Nana said BLACK and reaching.. ok then suddenly cher show this expression @,@ oh that one..? Pointing @ a black coloured vehicle infront of us at our destination point. That one ah? 10 seater ... *pointing @ CISCO Van* (0.0) woots.

WAHHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! LOL.. So zhun. that one really 10 seater sia.

i laugh till want to peng on the floor already.

That's not the only case, afterwards when we're in Nana's car when heading to Kallang Leisure Park, we have to go from nicole highway right.. off a sudden all of us can't remeber which direction to take to highway, but one thing for sure we know it's behind bugis.. Lol..! so we drive to the back of bugis and we follow the sign bored stated Nicole Highway, Wee! we feel so relieved and came to this junction whereby you can turn left or right ahead but hor.. they never instruct to turn left or right leh to nicole highway, na start to panick already. LOL! ..Since we can turn both ways then why not just continue maybe there will be more signs ahead.

Just nice red light and we're in between the lane, and GOSH! there's no more instructions.. regina were so panick la! make till all of us feel so lost in the car too. hahaha! Actually it's darn funny in the car, you just imagine 3 woman sqibbling in the car like How eh How? looking around like some kanjion spider and we're challenging with the Traffic Light. Once it turn green we'll have to come out with a corrrect direction already.. so all of can't think straight and can't think properly man! and it's So funny till we can't help it but keep LOL-ing in the car and we have to tell ourselves cannot waste time laughing already but can't stand, we're like some road dummies in the car and we started LOL-ing again. Muahahhaha! but of cos, at the same time thinking of a way out too.

I turn and look at Na, don't know then ask! they were like ask who?! only 3 of us in the car and the traffic light turning green anytime!!

ASK THE CAR Next Door!.. i mean next lane! then we start waving to the little boy seated behind trying to get his attention so we could ask him to help to get his dad to help us. We wave so hard but no response, then finally the little boy turn.. look at us for a few sec.. and he turn back and act nothing has happened. We try so hard to catch his attention, signal him to call for his dad behind the piece of 2 glass window, and He ignore us!!! (@.@)(@.@)(@.@)
we were stunt and we went silent for a while. Few sec later he turn back, we hurry signal him once again inoder make him understand what we're trying to say, we decided to slow down our lip language but with bigger hand sign and hope he understands.. Netherless, he turn aback to the other side of the window, looking away from us and not doing anything . WHAT??????? we really got beaten by the boy, the 3 of us were so shock la! what kind of attitude is that boy? And.. Maybe the 3 of us look like some wild monkey or something? i mean who will do such drama thing-e and only those comedy movies or shows. Maybe that's why he ignored us. nevermind.

I ask na to drive forward abit, we'll try catch his dad attention ourselves. *hemph!*

wah the dad is like even more blind la!

This family is driving us crazy man. Then suddenly the wife took notice of us, she's facing our direction, as her husband is talking to her . But know what?? She saw, she just look at us no action were taken and she did not tell her husband about it.

What? we're boiling inside the car ALREADY! So piss la, what is wrong with this family? So Unhelpful one! Are they singaporean not? why so unhelpful one? they have the typical singapore look leh, so must be singaporean what.. so be they are those TYPICAL singaporean LOR !

then *cheryl suggest to throw TISSUE at his window.*

WOW.. later kenna FINE for littering 500 dollars.. then what if the MAN sue us for throwing things at his car? somemore the tissue you use before lor. Then if got nose dirt or mucles stained on his windown he ask us to pay for his car service and polishing how?

My god we laugh till we almost died in the car la!

Then FINALLY the dad took notice of us. *WOW! here man hey mister look here!
Yea me! we're calling for you. then next step we keep point to him asking him to wind down the window but he like don't get it. So i wind down mine and show him hope he do the same but he's still not following and look at me keep asking me what, what what what behind the glass window, i was steaming and is like aaaaa.. am screaming in my head already lor! blood gushing out of my brain soon man. Then i use both hand to show him 'the pushing down sign, whine down the window sir... AND U know what? He's like so scared we'll rob him or what so Ever la! hello we're in SINGAPORE not MALAYSIA. and pls what will a 3 lady do to you? MY GRACIOUS.

*hah, big sigh! finally he whine down his window, but 1/4 only ( = , = ) jia lat leh this family.

so finally we can talk and stop dancing like monkeys inside the car behind the glass.

Sorry sir, we would like to know which way to turn to Nocole Highway?

he was like huh? + cannot hear that kinda face.. i was like of cos la, inside my heart i was like are u dumb or smth?you wind your window down so little and we're apart by car lane on the roadside is like DURH! of cos u can't hear us clearly.

hello pls wind your window down lower pls.. ok, you know when you're at the roadside surrounded with all the bg sound, noise polution, thenu have to drag your words abit so that it will sound more clearly and not so cut off cutt off kind, inorder for the opposite party to catch what u're saying clearly.

Whiccccch wayyy to NICOLE HIGHhhWayy, Tuuurrrn llllehhhft or Riiiight?

GOONDU man said: Oh, u turn left, traffic light here turn left x3

oh ok thanks! :) then i wanna wind up my window already, he keeps continuing to instruct us and now he look so kanjiong la showing us the way with his big hand signal (straight and stroke left) afraid the traffic light will turn green, and he keeps repeating go straight, then turn left.
YEA ok thanks, we know~

*inside our heart, all of us is like we just need to know turn left or right only* of cos go straight la then what? go backward? We don't drive backward lor.. maybe he do, we never know sia because the whole family like so goondo.

unready shot..
i find this pic ugly but funny, hahaha..!

A pleasant journey still.. That guy did not affect us, infacet it make our day funnier. hahahaha!

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