Sunday, July 12, 2009

CMK durian VS Nasi Lemak

i bought my mum's fav durian 'MaoShan Wang Durian' in chinese.. for her today. it's a branded durian amoung the durians.. so called 'CAT Mountain King' durian in english after translated. haha!

but not funny man, It's a KILLER!

not only that it is expensive, it STINK to the max !!

it cost about 15 dollar per KG if i'm not wrong the one i bought is going to 3 and 1/2 kg but the durian Shop owner charge me cheaper. 30 bucks only, but still.. i can buy a cake already lor and it smell nicer~ than this Green Spiky Bomb. *wwrrraaakk*

i never like durian and i was forced to learn to eat durian by my uncle when i was very young. though now i know how to eat a little but i still nv likes it.. and if i have to.. i'll only take those sweet ones or those peanuty taste kind, other than that hell no!

but most of the time i still find it smelly and tastes awful.

You know after u had durian your finger and mouth will stink to the core right..

i remember me and my bro will have that 'breath attack games; and sometimes we'll even sneak attack each other face by applying some durian "cream" on it. muahahaha! childhood. But i suffer the most because i Dislike Durian where else it's his favourite fruit. so its damn annoying to get it on my face yet he still can smile and laugh even when he kanna. SO CUTE LA!

Oh yea.. there's a method i would want to share with you to help lighten the smell of your breath and the smell on your fingers, do not dispose the shell right after you finish eating, make it to full use.

This is one of my
MUST DO after each durian session.


Step 1 :

Pick a nicer cleaner shell, which has a depth of arch that stored the flesh, you can put abit of salt and add water drink it from the side or edge from the flatter surface.

Step 2:

Then bring the shell to the basin, rinse your hand under it
let the tap water run through the SPIKES of the shell.


like this it will help to lighten the durian smell on your fingers and your breath tremendeously.


Back to the CMK durian, though it is tightly wrap with kitchen transparent wrapper, the smell of it will still emerge, I CAN SMELL IT !! * Yucks * its getting stronger my god!

i'm so not going to carry that home as we need to change bus and train to go home.

*So.. it's my bro duty to carry. hahhaha! just now i carry it from the stall to my aunt place already, so now your turn bro! =p

but being to be more considerate, i decided to take a cab home. Shall not kill any other 'durian haters' on the bus or train. Lol.

Then my bro says: oh like this u can kill the taxi driver la?

Molly: ahahahaha.. but killing one is better than killing don't know how many on the bus right..

and if the taxi driver dun like durian then he sway lor. I also don't like, maybe like that he might drive abit faster and we can reach home faster also. hehe.. and i do not need to endure the smell of th durian for so long through out the journey. Tee hee!

but to my surprise i can't smell much in the cab, don't know is it because i got immune already or what so ever?

but i don't think so la because i'm darn sensative to the smell of durian. i'll definately take cover when ever i smell it.

And i remember when i was young, when i smell durian i will run far far away or go to my room and hide. Will use my thickest pillow to cover my nose and hide under the blanket but i still can smell lor!

Durian is really the KING of Fruit man! it's damn powerful.

This time round my hse smell like durian cave man!!! CMK Durian is the strogest i ever came across! even my perfume can't cover it man. i was a little pissed about it and when i wake up this morning still can smell it la!

i do kind of regret buying that CMK`DuriAn. wah.. i feel like using the N95mask at home now lor. And whenever my mum open the fridge, i almost fainted.

oh dear don't know how long that awful smell gonna stay around my hse till.

When i go home today i'm SO SO SO GONNA make them finish it man, No More storing in the fridge already.

*make me feel like puking whenever i smell it. At least the normal durain not so bad lor.

now on..


If not at most a day only and * have to make sure my room door is closed.*

OTHER Than those Green Spiky Durian Bomb i hate..

nice i would like to share.

i had very delicious NASI LEMAK at my uncle's place.

fried Chicken Wings super thin fry eggs

Full set of Nasi Lemak made by my auntie which have everything. keke..

Ultimate Fragrance Rice Shiny Ikan billis

Freshly Cut Cucumber Spicy Kang Kong

unlike those $2 with limited dish. I LIKE PUNGGOL Nasi Lemak too! BEST! but very ex.

just had it with bro and yh 2wks back. but my aunt cook the rice smell and taste even much nicer!! hehe.. *drools..*

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